LÎLA Dance Alchemy for the Soul
Change the way you see the World and yourself through the lens of LÎLA
Connect & Reflect
a LÎLA Dance Alchemy for the Soul in Person Event
What if every person you met
Anyone you have a relationship with
Any stranger you make eye contact with
Creates their own version of “you” in their heads?
What if there were countless versions of you out there
Just from you being conjured up in people’s minds?
And if a different "Who You Really Are" exists
in each one of them
Including the one in your own mind.
Read that again
Then consider...
What if you are not a fixed Self?
What if…
You are not really your past.
You are not the thoughts in your head.
You are not your memories or experiences.
You are not even, necessarily, the person that you think you see when you catch your own reflection.
And you are SO much more than you ever thought...
If you are:
Feeling uninspired by life or your day to day routine
Overly self-critical
Tired and isolated from pandemic reality
Dissociated and numb in your body
Stuck in your head and the little negative voice that keeps criticizing you and others
Disconnected from others
Missing experiencing a deeper connection from being with people
Connect & Reflect
Saturday, June 4
This new, in person, LÎLA Dance Alchemy for the Soul event, will explore what it means to intentionally create brand new perceptions of yourself and others. By playing with movement, visual reflection, and shifting points of perspective, we will inquire about the nature of ourselves and others. Find freedom, fresh perspectives, and new possibilities for relating and being with other people in sometimes unpredictable, illuminating ways.
Join us for a magical inquiry into new spaces of freedom, self-discovery and deep connection.
*at ZenSpace Studios
$30 via PayPal, Zelle or Venmo
1. Make your payment via PayPal, Zelle or Venmo with these links-
PayPal: @KristenMangione
Zelle: info@zentouch.org
Venmo: @Kristen-Mangione
IMPORTANT: Please be sure to include your contact email in your payment notes to ensure receiving confirmation and event details
2. After receipt of your payment, you will receive a registration confirmation via email
*Workshop is open to a limited number of participants due to COVID spacing restrictions. Masks must be worn for entirety of workshop